Sunday, September 29, 2013


We spend the weekend with our lovely friends in Sweden. We ate so much delicious food, drank champagne and just hung out. Karl had the best time with their daughter, Nea. They just moved in this beautiful house. Believe you me these people have the best taste in decorating. You should check my friend's website - she is so talented! The house is not completly done, so I didn't take to many picture of the house. I'm gonna wait untill the house is completly done.


 Celebrating the new house/karl playing/ Ipad time/having dinner

 Thriftshopping /Lots of lovely stuff/ got 2 things
 (I will post them tomorrow)

Karl loved all the boxes with toys

When we got up this morning, this was waiting outside the door.
 Sweet Nea made us a welcome sign... so adorable


  1. Var det soppstationen i malmø? MÅ have fingrene i den serveringsvogn!! :-)

  2. Nej det var Angelholm. Den koster vist 900kr:) sig til hvis jeg skal få fat i adressen;)
