Sunday, November 6, 2016


Vi var til halloween party hos vores venner i sidste weekend, og det var SÅ gennemført! Men det er alt hvad Sara og Jacob gør, og jeg elsker det!! Der er altid den ekstra ting, som de har tænkt på, som vi(jeg) aldrig var kommet på. De holdte det i deres nye fine hus med masser af god mad, krea værksted og gåtur i skoven. Det var virkelig en super god dag, som Mr. moonshine heldigvis fangede med sit kamera.

English: We went to a Halloween party at our friends house last weekend, and it was SO awesome! Sara and Jacob always do,things well-thought-out and I love it !! There is always that extra things that they have thought of. They had the party in their new home - and there was lots of good food, crea workshop and a pretty walk in the woods. It was a perfect day and fortunately Mr. moonshine caught with his camera.

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